Calorie Deficit Calculator

This calorie deficit calculator helps you determine how many calories you need to consume daily to achieve a specific weight loss goal by creating a calorie deficit.

Calorie Deficit Calculator

Calorie Deficit Calculator

Calorie Deficit Calculator Formula

The formula for calculating a daily calorie deficit is:

Calorie Deficit (kcal) = Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) – Daily Calorie Intake

Here’s a breakdown of each component:

TDEE Meaning “Total Daily Energy Expenditure” :

This represents the total number of calories your body burns in a day, taking into account your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and physical activity level. There are different formulas to calculate TDEE, but one common method is the Mifflin-St Jeor Equation:

  • For Men: TDEE = (10 * weight in kg) + (6.25 * height in cm) – (5 * age in years) + 5 (for men)
  • For Women: TDEE = (10 * weight in kg) + (6.25 * height in cm) – (5 * age in years) – 161 (for women)

After calculating TDEE, you then need to account for your activity level by multiplying TDEE by an activity factor (usually ranging from 1.2 for sedentary to 2.5 for very active).

Daily Calorie Intake:

This is the number of calories you consume in a day through your diet. To create a calorie deficit, you typically reduce your daily calorie intake from your TDEE.

Calorie Deficit (kcal):

This is the difference between your TDEE and your daily calorie intake. To lose weight, you aim for a calorie deficit because your body will start to burn stored fat for energy when it doesn’t get enough calories from your diet.

Foods Calories List

Here’s a table with approximate calorie counts for common foods. Keep in mind that these values are estimates and can vary based on factors such as serving size and preparation methods.

Food ItemServing SizeCalories
Apple1 medium95
Banana1 medium105
Orange1 medium62
Grapes1 cup (about 151g)69
Strawberries1 cup (about 144g)49
Carrot1 medium25
Broccoli1 cup, chopped55
Potato (baked)1 medium161
Spinach (cooked)1 cup41
Tomato1 medium22
Chicken Breast (skinless, boneless)3.5 oz (cooked)165
Salmon (cooked)3.5 oz206
Tofu (firm)3.5 oz144
Ground Beef (90% lean, cooked)3.5 oz250
Egg (boiled)1 large68
White Rice (cooked)1 cup205
Whole Wheat Bread1 slice69
Pasta (cooked)1 cup221
Oatmeal (cooked)1 cup166
Quinoa (cooked)1 cup222
Milk (whole)1 cup150
Greek Yogurt (plain)1 cup150
Cheddar Cheese1 oz113
Almond Milk (unsweetened)1 cup13
Potato Chips1 oz152
Chocolate Bar1 oz152
Almonds1 oz164
Popcorn (popped)3 cups93
Ice Cream (vanilla)1/2 cup137
Soda (regular)12 oz canAbout 140-150
Fruit Juice (unsweetened)1 cupAbout 60-80
Black Coffee8 oz2
Beer (regular)12 ozAbout 150-200
Red Wine5 ozAbout 125-130
foods calories list

Please note that these calorie counts are approximate and can vary based on various factors. Always check nutrition labels for precise information, and portion sizes can also impact your total calorie intake.

Which Sport Burns The Most Calories

Here’s a table with approximate calorie expenditure per hour for common exercises and physical activities. Keep in mind that the actual calorie burn can vary depending on factors like your weight, age, gender, and exercise intensity.

Exercise/ActivityCalories Burned per Hour (for a 155-pound person)
Running (5 mph)298 calories
Running (6 mph)372 calories
Running (7.5 mph)465 calories
Walking (3 mph)223 calories
Walking (4 mph)314 calories
Bicycling (10 mph)372 calories
Bicycling (15 mph)614 calories
Swimming (moderate effort)446 calories
Swimming (vigorous effort)715 calories
Jumping Rope (moderate pace)558 calories
Jumping Rope (fast pace)744 calories
Aerobics (low impact)352 calories
Aerobics (high impact)563 calories
Yoga223 calories
Pilates298 calories
Strength Training298 calories
Tai Chi223 calories
Dancing (ballroom)223 calories
Hiking (moderate pace)372 calories
Climbing Stairs558 calories
Gardening292 calories
Playing Tennis (singles)446 calories
Playing Basketball (half-court)446 calories
Playing Soccer446 calories
Playing Golf (carrying clubs)314 calories
Housecleaning223 calories
Sitting (sedentary)112 calories
Standing (light activity)149 calories
which sport burns the most calories


How do I figure out my calorie deficit?

To calculate your calorie deficit:

  1. Calculate your BMR using the Harris-Benedict Equation.
  2. Determine your TDEE based on your activity level.
  3. Create a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than your TDEE.
  4. Aim for a 500-1,000 calorie deficit per day for gradual weight loss.
  5. Monitor progress and adjust as needed.
  6. Prioritize nutrient quality and consider professional guidance.

Can muscle be built while in a calorie deficit?

Yes, it is indeed possible to build muscle while in a calorie deficit. Research has demonstrated that by adhering to a low-calorie, high-protein diet, muscle growth can occur even when consuming fewer calories.

What is a calorie-deficit diet?

A calorie-deficit diet is characterized by a reduced calorie intake, promoting the maintenance of a calorie deficit. For effective and healthy weight loss, it is advisable to consume a nutrient-dense diet that includes ample protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.

Is it safe to consume fewer than 1200 calories daily?

No, it is not safe to consume fewer than 1200 calories per day for most individuals. A minimum of 1200 calories is generally needed to support overall health and provide the energy required for daily activities and exercise. Consuming fewer calories can have detrimental effects on health and lead to persistent fatigue.

Is 1200 Calorie Deficit Ok?

A calorie deficit of 1200 calories per day is generally not recommended for most people as it can be too extreme and may lead to negative health consequences. It’s important to prioritize safe and sustainable weight loss.

How much of a calorie deficit should I have a day to lose weight?

A daily calorie deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories is generally recommended for safe and sustainable weight loss.


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